Human-Nature Connection

Providing Learning Opportunities to support a holistic and scientific understanding
of our existence and entanglement with it all.

Welcome to the LESELI Experience

Be Inspired, Rediscover & Reconnect

“Leseli” is the Sesotho word for “light, illumination, enlightenment”
The LESELI Experience follows a holistic approach to illuminate the Human-Nature Connection & Entanglement. We do this by sharing nature, wildlife, scientific, & philosophical knowledge, skills, experience, and wisdom through various unique events. This includes professional presentations, event talks, and one-day programs, workshops, courses, and special nature experiences.

In partnership with various other organizations and professionals, we thus provide learning opportunities that support a scientific understanding and contribute towards a holistic and unified view of our existence and relationship with it all … read more

One of the main reasons why the human-animal feels disconnected, isolated, and lost in a seemingly hostile world, is to a large extent the result of us severing our connection with nature, hence, spirit, and all other living creatures, including ourselves. This connection serves as our internal guidance system – without it, we are lost in many ways.

To truly UNDERSTAND our universe, our planet, our environment with its amazing biodiversity, and our own inseparable connection & inter-relationship with it all – we need holistic information and a receptive mind. Only then will we be able to make sense of it all and embrace the actual ‘being’ that we are.

The LESELI Experience provides you & me with unique opportunities to rediscover and reconnect with nature, the universe, and ourselves, to gain knowledge, to reconsider values and perspectives, to have amazing nature experiences … and to find our way back to the peace, harmony, and joy in this precious moment in time.

"As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light of meaning in the darkness of mere being "
- Carl Jung - 
Wildlife Conservation through Wellbeing

Human-Nature Program

Sharing professional nature, scientific & philosophical knowledge, skills, experience & wisdom through unique & inspirational talks, presentations, events, and more

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Human-Nature Activities

LESELI Nature Retreats include interactive activities such as nature art, plant music, game drives, guided bush walks, sunrise & sunset experiences, wildlife excursions, and more

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Nature Locations

LESELI Experiences, Events & Retreats are hosted on various partner reserves & wilderness destinations in South Africa. Event talks & courses are presented either at your venue or other pre-arranged destination

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LESELI Talks, Events, Nature Experiences & Retreats

The LESELI Experience offers uniquely crafted and inspirational Event Talks, Presentations, Workshops, One-Day Programs/Courses, and Wellness Programs. A holistic approach is followed to present exciting nature, scientific, and philosophical content, knowledge, ideas, perspectives, and interactive experiences – all focused on the Human-Nature Connection and our entanglement with it all.

LESELI Experience

Event Talks & Presentations

Professional Event Talks, Presentations, or Workshops are hosted either on location at YOUR venue or pre-arranged LESELI partner reserve or destination. Various topics are available.

LESELI Experience

One-Day Programs

These amazing programs and courses are presented at either one of OUR or at YOUR nature/wilderness destinations.

LESELI Wellness

Wellness Programs

Our short nature experiences and longer 1 to 3-Day Wellness Retreats/Programs are uniquely crafted and inspirational nature experiences that focus on the Human-Nature Connection.

Have YOU ever asked …

HOW is it all connected ..?
WHAT is the purpose ..?
WHAT is next ..?
If YES, then THIS is for YOU !

… and you can start here

What LESELI offers …

a holistic approach in sharing extraordinary nature, scientific, and philosophical content, ideas, and perspectives – focusing specifically on the

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What you gain …

from any LESELI Experience or Program:
* Inspiration & New Perspective(s)
* Extraordinary Information & Knowledge
* Great Nature Experiences
* Rediscover & Reconnect

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“You and I are as much continuous with the physical universe as a wave is continuous with the ocean”

– Alan Watts –

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